Stony Stratford Pantomime 2019
This years Stony Panto was an amazing success. With a great script by Sheila White and the biggest cast we have ever had. Thank you to everybody for all your support. All shows were sold out.
All photographs done by Samual Dore.

The Company
Judith Brooker - Fairy Liquid
Phil Chippendale - Will Scarlett
Tim Dalgleish - Dame Meryl Street
Ginny Davies - Maid Marian Street
Mike Dore - The Stage Manger
Jackie Fowler - Little John
Jonathan Giles - Robin Hood
Walter Greaves - The Sherriff of Buckingham
Ben Johnson - Clarence Rowed
Karen Kodish - Runn
Pamela McNay - Eleanor Cross
Sam Marsh - Friar Tuck
Gracie Mendus - Millie Lane
Jessica Plummer - Fairy (The Punk) Nuff
Lauren Plummer - Much the Miller's Daughter
Andy K Powell - Russell Street
Shelia White - Grabbit
The Crew
Sean Calvert – Russell’s Prologue
Mike Dore - Tickets
Sam Dore - Poster design
Neil Mercer - Musical Director & composition
Andy K Powell - Assistant Director & Website
Caz Tricks - Director
Shelia White - Playwright & lyricist
Nicole Plummer - Bells and understudy
Babs Dore and Lynn Mercer - Front of House
Bar Team
Ian, McNay, Danielle Kushner, Hendrika Vanas, Sarah Grafton,
Debra Matthews, Jill & Jonathan Taylor
All involved are volunteers!